June 11, 1910
Governor Charles Haskell called a special election on June 11, 1910 to determine where the state capital should be located. The public overwhelmingly voted for Oklahoma City (96,261 votes), with Guthrie coming in second (31,301 votes) and Shawnee last (8,402 votes). The Huckins Hotel was the temporary offices for state government until the Capitol building was completed on June 30, 1917.

A postcard of the Huckins Hotel is available on Digital Prairie.
Visit the Oklahoma Territorial Museum in Guthrie for more information about Oklahoma’s early statehood.
Election statistics from the Oklahoma State Archives, RG 8-A-1, Box 8 Folder 8, “Returns of the Special Election held on June 11, 1910 of the Location of the Capital.”
Photo credit: Oklahoma State Archives, RG 17-5 Capitol Building Commission, photographed by That Man Stone Co. of Oklahoma City